
This bookmarklet grabs table data from a webpage.


Drag this link to the bookmarks toolbar grab-table


  1. Click grab-table in the bookmarks toolbar
  2. Click any table on the page (or press Esc to cancel)
  3. In the popup...
    • Choose a data format.
    • Click Download or click Copy.


Activate the bookmarklet and then click this table.

Demo table
Product ID Name Price
1 Car 10000
2 House 100000
3 Chair 20
4 Desk 200
5 Gum 3

JSON output shape

type Cell = {
  type: 'td' | 'th';
  value: string;
  colSpan: number;
  rowSpan: number;

type Row = Array<Cell>;

type JsonOutput = {
  caption: string | null;
  rows: Array<Row>;